Purchase Guidelines
Obtaining a Payment Card
Online Cardholder training and subsequent test must be completed prior to applying for the Payment Card. The Payment Card Training can be found in TrainTraq within SSO. Search for training 2111872 Payment Card Training and begin the session. The training session and test will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Once training is completed apply for the Individual Payment Card for a card in your name.
Once the application is completed the individual cardholder or departmental cardholder will receive an email requiring the Statement of Responsibility be signed. Once the Statement of Responsibility is signed the application will be sent for departmental approval before reaching the Payment/Travel Card office for final approval. The application will not be processed until the Payment Card Training has been completed. When the training is completed and the application approved, the cardholder will receive an email notice stating that the card has been ordered and in that email will have instructions on activating the card and a cardholder checklist. The card will be shipped directly to the department for distribution to the cardholder. Once the cardholder receives the card they will need to verify receipt of the card by responding to the original email.
Within the original email notification of the card being ordered there will be a link to the Payment Card Checklist.
Cardholders will be required to complete the payment card training every two years. A notification email reminder will be sent from TrainTraq to the cardholder. The required training should be completed within 30 days. If training is not completed within 30 days it will result in card suspension.