Travel Guidelines


Submission of expense report within 90 days of travel end date:

  • Best practice is to submit within 30 days
  • Applies to out of pocket and travel card transactions
  • If not submitted within 90 days of travel end date:
    • Travel card immediately suspended until expense report is submitted and approved
    • Expenses become tax reportable income to the employee and a tax withholding form must be attached to the expense report

Unassigned travel card transactions assigned to an expense report within 90 days of post date:

  • Documents travel end date, which allows for aging/tracking of expenses
  • Best practice is to assign transactions within 30 days
  • After 60 days lose dispute rights with the bank
  • If not assigned within 90 days of post date:
    • Travel card immediately suspended until transactions are assigned to an expense report and the travel end date can be evaluated.
    • If the travel end date is less than 90 days, the card suspension will be removed.
    • If travel end date is older than 90 days, the expenses become tax reportable income to the employee and card will remain suspended until expense report is submitted and approved.

Third Strike Rule - for cards suspended for the third time:

  • Travel Card will be suspended for one year with notification of card suspension sent to traveler, department head, assistant dean and dean/VP.
  • No travel advances will be made available to the employee during this time period.