Purchase Guidelines

HUB (Historically Underutilized Businesses)

The HUB Program at Texas A&M University is committed to promoting the inclusion of HUB vendors in university procurements while advocating the importance of supplier diversity. Texas A&M is making the good faith effort to meet or exceed the HUB goals established in Texas Administrative Code 20. Our educational efforts, workshops, and training extend to all Texas A&M buying personnel and minority- and woman-owned businesses statewide.

All employees of Texas A&M University that have purchasing authority shall encourage the use of HUB businesses in their procurement opportunities, regardless of funds. Departmental purchases through the use of the delegated dollar limits and the Payment Card should be made with HUB vendors whenever possible. See Standard Administrative Procedure 25.06.01.M1.01: Historically Underutilized Business for the HUB Program Guidelines.