Travel Guidelines

Passport/Visa/Medical Needs

Expenses related to international travel preparation for business purposes is an allowable expense. For example, costs to obtain passports/visas or immunizations required for a particular country are reimbursable expenses. Receipts are required for reimbursement or to document the travel card charge.

Please note that Texas A&M University – Study Abroad Office offers a Passport Service to the general public. Please click on the hyperlink to learn more about getting a passport without leaving campus.

The Assistance Abroad Program does not include accident medical insurance. TAMU faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to visit the BlueCard Worldwide Program website to review the BlueCross BlueShield services available in your travel destination(s) prior to departure. If BCBS services are not available in your destination(s), please contact Insurance Services at or (979) 845-8104 for information on accident medical insurance options while abroad.